Welcome to HOUR MUGZ

HOUR MUGZ is the only place where you can get our exclusive reflective mugz. HOUR MUGZ are meant to stimulate reflection while U enjoy your favorite morning beverage. We believe daily reflection will lead to future action. Take your New Year's Resolution to the next level with "Hour Mugz" acting as your daily reminder to reflect while U sip. We believe "Hour Mugz" coupled with the "Do Better Promise" will bring inspiration and thought to your daily "Sip and Reflect" routine.

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Special Edition

The special edition of Hour Mugz is meant to highlight and reflect on the past, present and future of African Americans. We love the strength projected in the afro-centric colors. Advance your presence with past reflection!

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Do Better Promise

We have incorporated our "Do better Promise" with the Hour Mugz. Both are meant to stimulate thought and reflection. As parents we want our children to do better.
Children, as they grow often look back, sometimes generations, to understand their situation and where they came from. Take time to reflect while sipping - What's your story / how can "U" do better.

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